Job Resources


Log in to this searchable database using your library card number, and find detailed profiles for over 30 million businesses and 2.3 million jobs.

Job Search Tips from the New York Public Library

Offers helpful tips on job searching, writing a resume and cover letter, and preparing for interviews.

Occupational Outlook Handbook

A guide to career information about hundreds of occupations.

CareerOne Stop

Tools to help job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals.

O*Net Online

The Occupational Information Network offers detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more

Job Search Websites

AARP Job Search

Career Builder

Veterans Employment Toolkit

CollegeGrad – Entry level positions for new grads.

Glassdoor – Provides in-depth information into different companies and fields of work including their salaries, interview tips and techniques. Also provides a job search listing.

Other Helpful Resources

Pennsylvania CareerLink

Pennsylvania CareerLink Lancaster County

SkillUp Lancaster