Teacher Book Bundles

We offer teachers and educators the opportunity to borrow resources to support classroom learning through Teacher Book Bundles.

Teachers, using the form below, you can submit a request for materials on a certain topic or subject, and we will gather a bundle of library materials for your classroom use. We require two (2) weeks to fulfill your request, so please plan accordingly.

You may request a maximum of 30 books. Please understand that seasonal topics may not be fulfilled due to popular demand. A Book Bundle may be checked out for a maximum of six (6) weeks. After that, the patron is responsible for any late fees that may accrue.

All books from previous Bundles must be returned before requesting a new Book Bundle.

As an added convenience, we now give you the opportunity to pick up your bundle 24/7 from the lockers outside the front entrance of the library in Ewell Plaza. Just choose Lancaster City Branch – Lockers under pick up location. (This option is not available at our Mountville Branch.) If you choose this option, your bundle will be automatically checked out to your account the day it becomes available, and you will receive an email with instructions as to how to retrieve your bundle.

We will contact you to confirm that your bundle is ready for pickup. For more information, please contact us.

Teacher Request

"*" indicates required fields

You may request a maximum of 30 books.
Normal check out time is two weeks. High demand titles may be ineligible for renewal.
We can renew Book Bundles up to two times for a maximum six-week check out time. High demand titles may be ineligible for renewal.

This program generously funded by PPL Electric Utilities through the Pennsylvania EITC Program.