Remembering September 11

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, a monumental moment in American History. All of us old enough to be aware of what was happening remember where we were on September 11, 2001.

We’ve curated an all ages reading list to help you understand 9/11 and its aftermath.


America is Under Attack by Don Brown 

The 9/11 Attacks by Laura K Murray

14 Cows for America by Carmen Agra Deedy; in collaboration with Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah and illustrated by Thomas Gonzalez

Ground Zero: How a Photograph Sent a Message of Hope by Don Nardo

Saved by the Boats by Julie Gassman   

Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey by Maira Kalman  

This Very Tree by Sean Rubin  

The Red Bandanna by Tom Rinaldi

What Were the Twin Towers? by Jim O’Connor

The Little Chapel That Stood by A. B. Curtiss and illustrated by Mirto Golino

This Place I Know: Poems of Comfort poems selected by Georgia Heard

Nine, Ten by Nora Raleigh Baskin

Ground Zero by Alan Gratz

Towers Falling by Jewell Parker Rhodes 

Eleven by Tom Rogers

Hope and Other Punchlines by Julie Buxbaum

Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan 

A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahareh Mafi 

All We Have Left by Wendy Mills 

The Memory of Things by Gae Polisner

In the Shadow of the Fallen Towers by Don Brown 


September 11, 2001: The Day That Changed the World is an educational exhibition that presents the history of 9/11, its origins, and its ongoing implications through the personal stories of those who witnessed and survived the attacks. Told across 14 posters, this exhibition includes archival photographs and images of artifacts from the Museum’s permanent collection. It explores the consequences of terrorism on individual lives and communities at the local, national, and international levels, and encourages critical thinking about the legacies of 9/11.

To view the exhibition, click on the photo above.

This 9/11 Memorial & Museum curated exhibition reflects the core pillars of commemoration, education, and inspiration as we prepare to observe the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

The poster exhibition was developed by the 9/11 Memorial & Museum and has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy Demands Wisdom.

For questions or more information on this Exhibition, please visit the 9/11 Memorial & Museum website or contact them at: